Robot Holocaust

Kataude mashin gâru (2008)

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Directed by Noboru Iguchi
Written by Noboru Iguchi
AKA: Machine Girl

Ami is a young woman, maybe 18, whose the daughter of a supposed murderer who committed suicide. Her younger brother,Yu, and his friend, Takeshi, are murdered by bullies. When she finds a list of 'people to kill' that he made shortly before his death she decides to get revenge on those who killed him. She goes to the family of one of the people on the list. They flip out and attack her, even going as far as tempura-ing her hand. She comes back and kills their son and his mother.
She learns that the leader of the gang that killed her brother is the son of a Yakuza man. She storms their house and tries to kill them, but is captured. They cut her hand off and she escapes.
She passes out in front of the mechanic shop that Takeshi's parents own. They take her in, sew her arm up and make a machine gun for it. They're attacked and the husband is murdered (he's hit by shuriken and explodes for some reason). Ami and the mother of Takeshi defeat the attackers and together go off to get revenge for the losses they've suffered.
Machine Girl is a crazy, overly-violent movie. The weapons are inventive and insane (including a drill bra). It's like a crazy mash-up of Kill Bill, Evil Dead 2, Panet Terror, Toxic Avenger and a White Zombie music video. In other words: I loved it. I doubt everybody will have a stomach for it, but if you don't mind nearly 90 minutes of gore and blood spraying it's definitely worth a viewing. I mean, there's a fucking drill bra and body parts as weapons. How can you pass it up?


Usually, I'm not a gore fan. As of late, however, I've become more open to a certain amount in my viewings.
This one takes the cake, though. GORE! GORE!GORE! but DAMN is it worth it!! This movie was SOOOO awesome, and knowing there's a sequel makes me so happy and excited and I can't wait.
I will say, I found myself getting pissed when the main character started acting too 'normal', but that's a personal thing. I always feel that way whenever the hero(ine) is being beaten down - but she came back with hella vengeance, as most do, and....well, this movie is just fucking awesome.
I <3 japanese flicks.

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Rating Scale Explanation

The rating scale is simple. 1 is the worst 10 is the best and 5 is mediocre. 5.5 or greater is a movie that I at least find enjoyable. You could also think of 5 as a zero and 1 as a negative 5. I feel like that sounds even more convoluted.

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