Robot Holocaust

Cedar Rapids (2011)

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Directed by Miguel Arteta
Written by Phil Johnston

Ed Helms is a small town insurance agent who is sent to the big city of Cedar Rapids when his co-worked dies from auto-erotic asphyxiation.  He parties and befriends other insurance agents.
A pretty fun little comedy.  Not much to dislike in this film.  Good cast, a fun story and paced pretty well.  Not hysterically funny, but there’s some laughs.


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Rating Scale Explanation

The rating scale is simple. 1 is the worst 10 is the best and 5 is mediocre. 5.5 or greater is a movie that I at least find enjoyable. You could also think of 5 as a zero and 1 as a negative 5. I feel like that sounds even more convoluted.

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