Robot Holocaust

Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)

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Directed by Sean Durkin
Written by Sean Durkin

A young woman escapes from a cult and begins living with her sister and her brother-in-law.  We frequently see flashbacks to the cult, which it seems as if Martha is also experiencing.  Martha has trouble adjusting back to her normal life after spending a couple years with the abusive cult and experiences paranoia.
Most of this movie is good.  Borderline very good, even.  Yet, the ending is so bad and abrupt that it kind of ruins the film.  The ending: the man who was on the dock while Martha was swimming before being taken to NYC to be hospitalized approaches nearly gets ran over by their car, out-of-focus, he walks past them and while a long shot of Martha’s face we see her look behind her and seeming paranoid.  Was the man in the cult?  Who cares.  The only way you know the guy is the same guy on the dock is because the script says it is.  Honestly, the ending would have been better if the man wasn’t out of focus.  This ending wasn’t as bad as Mulholland Drive’s, which was especially terrible and made me feel like I just wasted so much time.
Elisabeth Olsen was very good as the lead.  The film was shot well and paced very deliberately.  I would have given it maybe a 7.5 if the ending didn’t leave such a bad taste in my mouth.  As it stands...


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Rating Scale Explanation

The rating scale is simple. 1 is the worst 10 is the best and 5 is mediocre. 5.5 or greater is a movie that I at least find enjoyable. You could also think of 5 as a zero and 1 as a negative 5. I feel like that sounds even more convoluted.

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