Directed by Jason Reitman
Written by Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner
A man who travels around the country to fire people for executives who are too spineless to do it themselves (George Clooney) is shocked to learn that his company wants to switch to webcam firings. His transient, distanced lifestyle is called into jeopardy and he starts freaking out.
I loved this movie. It's pretty funny and very well made. I thought it was gearing up for a Funny People type derailment, but luckily that didn't happen. They build up to his sister's wedding throughout the first half of the film and I thought it would be the entire second half. Thankfully the wedding scene did not last anywhere close to as long as the one in The Deerhunter.
This movie was nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards and Clooney was nominated for best actor. Of course neither won, but that doesn't really matter. Watch it.
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