Directed by Patrick Creadon
Written by Patrick Creadon and Christine O'Malley
This is a documentary about crosswords, specifically the New York Times crossword puzzle. I have no idea why this film has writers listed. I guess it's a fake doc to a degree.
I sort of like crosswords, but I rarely do them. Yet, I really enjoyed this film. The opening is an introduction to people who later on in the film compete in a crossword tournament. The tournament itself is actually pretty exciting. Unlike King of Kong, none of the people in this movie are awful humans. One guy actually helps a guy get ahead when he's shorted a minute.
I don't necessarily know how to review documentaries (and if you read this site you already know that I don't know how to review a movie). I really liked this one, even though it was goofy like King of Kong, American Movie or Anvil: The Story of Anvil.
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