Directed by Ernest R. Dickerson
Written by Steve De Jarnatt and Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Set in the year 2025, this film explores a popular (perhaps the most popular) sport of the future, aptly named Futuresport. Dean Cain portrays the most famous and popular of all Futuresport players. He foils a terrorist plot, even (via a game of Futuresport). Vanessa Williams plays a famous news anchor/journalist. Wesley Snipes is the man who created Futuresport, a sort of Jamaican-esque individual.
A really fun and completely dumb movie. The plot is so outrageous and fun that it is hard not to enjoy yourself during this crazy flick. It sort of reminds me, in spirit only, to Snakes on a Plane. Very much worth watching if you're looking for something dumb.
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