Robot Holocaust

Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy (1996)

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Directed by Kelly Makin
Written by Norm Hiscock, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Scott Thompson and Mark McKinney

A scientist, played by Kevin McDonald, creates a wonder drug that will make people lock onto their happiest memory, thus curing their depression. The owner of the drug company, Mark McKinney clearly doing a Lorne Michaels impression, is losing money and has a meeting with the various scientists to determine whether or not the drugs are ready to come out. When he has his meeting with McDonald, McDonald says that the drug needs more testing, but when asked again he says that it's ready so he can keep his job. The drug ends up sending people into a happiness coma.
I love the Kids in the Hall, yet when this movie came out I was not a big fan. Watching it now I find it immensely funny. The highlight is McKinney's Lorne Michaels impression, at times it is very biting and definitely mean-spirited. I recently read an interview with the KITH where they say that Michaels basically forced them into using reoccuring characters and I think they look back at their show as spotty because of it, I know that I do, yet there is brilliance in there.
Brain Candy seems more unhinged than the TV Show, of course. They clearly can get away with more, and we see Scott Thompson's ass many times. Speaking of Thompson, his character of the closeted family man is hilarious. Thompson is great and I hope to someday read his Buddy Love book.
If you have seen this movie a while ago and sort of liked it, I recommend that you give it another shot. There is definitely some great shit here. I laughed throughout the movie. I should mention that the directing is very good, as is the editing. There clearly was some money going into this flick. My only real criticism of Brain Candy is the absence of Dave Foley from the writing team. Foley was busy with News Radio at the time, so I understand why he didn't write it. It just makes me wonder how much funnier it could have ended up being with him, as he is the funniest member, in my opinion.


You know, Dave Foley was kind of a non-factor in this too. I don't think he played any real characters besides the scientist who just popped up from time to time.

He also played the guy who pisses in Lorne Michael's coffee.

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Rating Scale Explanation

The rating scale is simple. 1 is the worst 10 is the best and 5 is mediocre. 5.5 or greater is a movie that I at least find enjoyable. You could also think of 5 as a zero and 1 as a negative 5. I feel like that sounds even more convoluted.

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