Directed by Jan de Bont
Written by Randall McCormick and Jeff Nathanson
Why is Sandra Bullock the main focus and who is this other guy? Where is Jeff Daniels?
At least there's a cameo from Tim Conway. Dwarf goes driving.
Sandra Bullock won an Oscar. Put on Speed 2 and keep saying that to yourself. It's very confusing.
Willem DaFoe is using the old bomb in the golf clubs trick on this cruise.
I think UB40 is in this movie. Dear lord!
Who the hell is Jason Partic? He's no Keanu, that's for sure.
Does #Speed2 make terrorism look cool? It doesn't even make being alive look cool.
Oh great, this movie has puke in it. Typical Hollywood.
Sandra Bullock's #Speed2 character has a problem with stuttering. She's like Bob Newhart, except torturous
"One more thing: I'd like to boogie with you." Classic #Speed2
I hope this deaf girl character is Bullock and Patric's Joe Pesci (from the Leathal Weapon series).
Willem Dafoe just took the ship over. Deaf girl is stuck in an elevator.
"We've got to find Drew" "We'll find her" "She can't even hear this!"
Willem DaFoe is after jewels. That's pretty lame.
Drew, the deaf girl, is stuck on the boat with Bullock and Patric. Business is about to pick up.
You know what would make this movie good? If all the passengers were zombies and Bullock, Patric and Drew had to fight them.
How can there still be an hour of #Speed2 left? I wish it was over right now.
Deaf girl is rescued sort of. Now she's just on a ship that's going to explode.
Just finished the exciting part of the film where Jason Patric is stuck in a room.
"He's taking us right into an oil tanker."
Jason Patric just "excitingly" wrapped a rope around a propeller under the boat.
DaFoe just took Bullock as a hostage.
They managed to stop the boat from directly hitting an oil tanker, and there's still nearly 30 minutes left!
The cruise ship has finally docked, but DaFoe still has Bullock.
Thank gosh that this movie is finally almost over! #Speed2 you are truly terrible.
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