Directed by Fred Dekker
Written by Fred Dekker and Frank Miller
I live blogged my reactions to this movie on Twitter. Those tweets are below.
For the next hour and 40 minutes I will be tweeting exclusively about #robocop3
OCP still causin' trouble! #robocop3
The best thing about Robocop isn't that he's half cop, it's that he's half robot. #robocop3
"I'll buy that for a dollar." #robocop3
The parallels between the OCP and the Nazis is startling. #robocop3
ED-209 is loyal as a puppy. #robocop3
A female cop, now I've seen everything! #robocop3 #officerannelewis
So far I would say this movie is worse than any Police Academy movie I've ever seen. #robocop3
Robocop:Robocop 3::Batman Begins:Batman & Robin #robocop3
As crazy as it might sound, I think Robocop just converted to Christianity. #robocop3
"Dr. Lazarus." What an awful name. #robocop3
I wish this wasn't PG-15. This movie is boring! #robocop3
RIP #officerannelewis #robocop3
There's seriously an hour left on this. Good grief. #robocop3
I hope Rip Torn got a fat paycheck for this shit. #robocop3
Robocop 3 is a mixture of terrible acting and pathetic action sequences. #robocop3
Murphy is more badass than this. #robocop3
They should have called this movie Robocop and a Half. #robocop3
The Japanese evil Robocop (though more human looking) just cut a sign in half instead of killing a guy. #robocop3
Robocop going crazy with a blowtorch in the police headquarters. That's what I'm talking about! #robocop3
The terrorists were just deputized. Maybe we should try that with the Taliban. #robocop3
The Japanese evil ninja Robocop vs. Robocop in the ultimate showdown. I know who I'm rooting for! #robocop3
Horrible fight. So stupid. #robocop3
Robocop's jetpack is one of the worst movie moments. It's equal to the rape scenes in I Spit on Your Grave. #robocop3
Wow. That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 2/10. #robocop3
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